Wednesday, September 25, 2024Вusіnеss іntеrruрtіоn іnsurаnсе іs аn іnsurаnсе рrоduсt whісh іnsurеs busіnеssеs аgаіnst lоssеs іnсurrеd whеn thеу hаvе tо сlоsе аs а rеsult оf а nаmеd реrіl, suсh аs fіrе оr flооdіng. Іt іs рurсhаsеd аs аn аddіtіоn tо аn ехіstіng business іnsurаnсе роlісу, аnd thеrе аrе sеvеrаl tуреs оf busіnеss іntеrruрtіоn іnsurаnсе аvаіlаblе. READ MORE >>
Monday, September 16, 2024Home break-ins are all too common, especially during the daytime on weekdays when most people are away at their jobs. Home break-ins are also most frequent during the warm months of the year. However, many break-ins are preventable by increasing your home security. Use these tips to protect your property. READ MORE >>
Monday, September 9, 2024Travel these days is expensive, and we all want to make the most of our finances to have a great summer vacation. The road trip is an American past-time, and it is also a considerably cheaper way to cover a lot of ground. If you take on a road trip, the trip is going to focus a lot around you and your vehicle. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, August 7, 2024Most people purchase homeowners insurance because the mortgage lender requires it. While you may be aware of how homeowners insurance can benefit you, do you know what your policy excludes? Standard Homeowners Insurance Does Not Cover Flood Damage There is a general rule of thumb about coverage for water damage to your home. READ MORE >>
Monday, August 5, 2024There’s something cool about a vehicle with a spoiler on the back of it. On the other hand, you may want a chrome bumper — something that really stands out. These are vehicle customizations. When it comes to your car insurance, it’s important to let your agent know about them. READ MORE >>
Monday, July 22, 2024A business owner policy, or BOP, is a type of business insurance plan. It combines several of the most common types of coverage that companies need to maintain – all at an affordable, bundled rate. As a business owner, speak to your agent about using a BOP, since it may help you to get the coverage you need for less. READ MORE >>
Monday, July 15, 2024According to the National Fire Protection Association, electrical fires account for 13 percent of home fires. Although houses with old electrical wiring are at high risk, even a recently built home can have an electrical fire. This is because electrical fires have many causes besides old wiring. READ MORE >>
Monday, July 8, 2024Driving after dark is very common in the late fall and winter months. The sun sets sooner, making it harder to navigate the way home after work. The risks are many. Deer are crossing the street virtually unseen. A child could be walking along the edge of the road, hard to notice until you are right next to them. READ MORE >>
Monday, June 17, 2024Most drivers are aware of the more common driving hazards like tailgating, speeding, aggressive driving and driving under the influence of alcohol. While all of these dangers are real, there are others that may have escaped your notice. The following overlooked driving hazards don't get much press, but they can still cause accidents. READ MORE >>
Monday, June 10, 2024Many people enjoy working in their yard while the weather is warm, but did you know that planning your landscape design is more than just aesthetics? Sure, you want everything to look nice, but with some intentional placement, you can discourage possible intruders and reduce the chance of a robbery. READ MORE >>
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